Thursday, July 19, 2012

Training Day 17 - Running Thoughts

Luckily I was able to get my run in early on Wednesday, probably around 10:00am.  The boy took his morning nap, and the girl was more than excited to put on her own "runnin' shoes" and join me in the basement while she watched The Lion King.  Today's workout was Run 10 minutes, Walk 5, Run 10.  The 5 minute walk in-between was brutal; I could feel myself losing steam because of it, and getting back into the second 10:00 was harder than had I just run for 20 straight minutes.  Part of me wants to start straying from this program and just run on my own until I am able to reach the 3.1 miles, but I don't know how to ensure that I'd get there by my deadline.  So I'm just going to stick with it, even though I'm getting annoyed.  It's not that much longer anyway, and soon enough it switches to that anyway.

Even though I had the girl with me, she was very well behaved & engrossed in her movie so I was able to get lost in my own thoughts for a while.  I'm finding that that's really important to do in order to avoid staring at the clock.  It's really easy to psych yourself out when you do that too, because I would be doing fine, and then I'd see that only had 1 minute left and all of a sudden it's the hardest thing in the world to run for 1 minute.  But before I looked, I could have run for another 10 minutes.  So I got lost in my thoughts and some of them were odd.

It started first with working out aggression because of a stupid situation that happened earlier in the morning.  I don't want to delve into that too much here because this is a running blog, but if you want to read more about it and me working my anger out, you can read here.  So that lasted a while.

Then I decided to increase my speed to 5.5 and I found it a little difficult.  My brain went to, "What would Jillian Michaels have me do if I was on The Biggest Loser and I was having a hard time with 5.5?  She'd push me to a 6!"  Which of course leads to, "They should have a show like The Biggest Loser but for people who aren't morbidly obese.  You know, for people who want to get in shape but don't need to lose a ton of weight.  I'd do that.  I'd train with Jillian."  And then I plan out the whole format of the show.  And I see myself being trained by Jillian Michaels.  And of course winning the show because I'm awesome like that.

You would think that all of this would take more time, but no.  It happened in my head in about 1:30.

So where does my head go to next?  The lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby".  There is a whole verse of it missing from the PS2 game Singstar, and it bothers me.  So I tried to think of the lyrics to that verse, but I couldn't remember all of them.  And then I got annoyed at that, but fascinated by the amount of lyrics a human brain can retain.  I mean, just THINK about all of the songs you know ALL of the words to?!  Pretty frickin' ridiculous, huh?

Anyway, there were many more ridiculous thoughts floating around in my head, and I'm sure there will be many more. Hopefully I'll be able to share some with you, my 2 readers :)

I have a 25 minute run on Thursday - I'm just hoping I can get it in early!

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