Sunday, September 2, 2012

Discovering New Muscles

Since beginning this journey 10 weeks ago I have noticed some changes in my body.  Some I figured were coming and others were complete surprises.  I expected (and hoped!) that my legs would put on some muscle - Lord knows I needed it!  They definitely look better now with some meat on my stems!

What I didn't expect was the change in my waist.  After having kids my mid-section was drastically changed forever.  My once prominent abs were buried beneath a layer of fat and excess skin.  I knew that it would never go back to the way it was but I was hopeful that I could at least make it look better!  After the boy was born I did work at losing the extra weight and was able to successfully get back to my pre-baby number.  However it looked different - MUCH different.  I assumed that there was a little bit of fat in there but since it moved around so much, I assumed it was mostly skin.  Until I started running!  Apparently there was more fat there than I knew because that lovely skin belt is getting looser and looser and more and more wrinkled!  When I go into a push-up or plank position, if I happen to grab a glance at my mid-section, the skin droops down to a point in the middle.  Ewww.  While amusing, I never expected to see a difference in my waist, so that's a pleasant surprise!

And since I've been doing exercises to strengthen my core (push-ups, a number of plank variations, crunches, leg lifts) I am noticing changes in my arms as well - I'm starting to have some definition and they are definitely more toned than before.  I knew the strength would increase, but I didn't expect to actually be able to see a difference, so that's another welcomed unexpected change! 

And after one day of running outside I am feeling that different muscles were worked than when I am on the treadmill.  As usual, my calves and shins have the ache going on, but my hamstrings, hips & quads are tender as well.  I wonder what other changes I'd see if I ran outside more?  Since this is our annual staycation week I'm hoping I have some opportunities to get some outside running in.  I know that once fall/winter hits and the daylight hours lessen so will my chances for running outside, so I want to get some in while I have the chance.  If it weren't raining today, I'd be out there right now!

I figured I'd share the new discoveries I'm making, but there are still more training blogs to come.  Thanks for sticking with me!

1 comment:

  1. Outside running, wahoooo!!! And isn't the human body an amazing machine??
