Saturday, August 4, 2012

Training Day 24 - I'm back! 2.5 Miles

Finally, back to normal and it feels good!

I was a little apprehensive about running today.  The family had some tummy troubles yesterday and we're not sure if it was some tainted fish or just a little virus.  Needless to say, last night & this morning were rough, and I wasn't 100% sure I would try running today.  But as the day went on I felt better & strong enough to run, though not enough to do anything crazy with speed.  Yesterday I said I would go for 25 minutes today, even though the app I'm using wants me to do 28, and I was planning on just sticking with that at a normal pace.  Let's get me back in the swing of things before I shoot for speed!

I ended up falling into place at a 5.3.  Not too happy about that, but I was more concerned with longevity and that felt comfortable to me.  Nothing major to report for most of the run.  I took advantage of the TV again, which was a fun distraction to help pass the time.  Can you guess what movie I was watching?  "First, is the path of God: Only the penitent man shall pass."

As I got closer to the 25 minute mark, I was still feeling pretty good, so I said what the heck and went for 28 minutes.  And as I got closer to the 28 minute mark, I saw that I was very close to reaching 2.5 miles, my other goal that eluded me in the last run but seemed totally possible during this run.  So I kicked it into high gear, went up to a 6.0 for the last minute, and hit 2.5 miles by 28 minutes!  2.517 to be exact, but who's counting, right?  lolThen as I went into cool-down, I was kind of annoyed that I hadn't pushed myself to go faster because I could have gotten a further distance.  So instead of cooling down, I pushed it up to a 6.5 and ran for 15 seconds.  When I didn't die, I pushed it up to 7.0 and did that for 20 seconds.  I still didn't die, but that was pretty intense!  So I think I might try to do that at the end of the app workout - work on speed by doing small stints at a really fast pace.  I feel like that might help gain some speed, but I don't really know...anyone have any suggestions?

Tomorrow starts my 30:00 runs and I think I'm going to go for it.  As of yesterday it was only supposed to be 28:00, but if I'm feeling like I do today, I don't see any reason to hold back.  I only have 3 programmed workouts left!!!  But I still have to get to 3.1 miles before August 25th.  Let's see how far I go in 30:00 and hopefully I'll be able to get outside!  This week is going to be rough though since wifey will be gone all week on a business trip.  So it will be a struggle to get a run in at a decent hour but I HAVE TO do it!  I really hope the boy decides to nap this week!!  Haha!

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