Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Like Butta', Camel Toe & Failure

Well.  I'm not too sure what happened today.  Given the odd start to things, I should have known the rest of my run would be odd as well.

Let's start with the good.  My shoes!!  My shoes are awesomely fantabulous!  They're like butta'.  It felt like I was running in a river of butter.  The knee twinges I usually feel were gone within the first 5 minutes of running today; usually they're with me for much more of the run.  The lower back pain that I normally feel a few minutes in didn't show up until after the hip fiasco, but we'll get to that.  I didn't even notice any discomfort with my toes, blister and all.  It was like my foot was sinking into a cloud every time I stepped.  So the sneaks were a total success so far - money very well spent!

I mentioned before that my sister, MFC, sent me a big package of running gear, some pre-loved & some new.  Today I decided to try running in some pre-loved spandex shorts.  Thank God I was at home, I must have looked ridiculous!  I don't know how these are supposed to fit - I have never contemplated wearing spandex shorts a day in my life, other than in 1988 ala DJ Tanner under a skirt, and those were less spandex, more fluff.  Anyway, they reminded me of my maternity pants because they went all the way over my stomach & up to my boobs!  And then there was the camel toe...best not to get into detail about that.  But I wore them nonetheless.  They were absolutely fine for comfort, but there is no way I can ever wear them around humans not in Wal-Mart.

And now onto the not so good.  I am definitely dealing with some kind of injury in my hip, but I don't know what and I don't know how/when I got it.  The last time I ran was on Sunday, and I was totally fine.  I was short on time because we had company coming so I didn't do all of the stretches/exercises I normally do after I run, but I did stretch and I felt like it was enough at the time.  Maybe it wasn't?  Also I had run a number of sprints at an 8 which I had only done for a bit before Sunday, so maybe since the faster you go, the further your legs stretch and maybe I pulled something?  But I felt fine during and for a while after the run.  When I got to the running store later in the evening, I did notice some discomfort in my hip while I was running about the store trying out the shoes, but nothing I was worried about and definitely not anything I would consider an injury.  Plus I was paying attention to my feet & Johnny Damon, not my hip.  Later that night though, I did notice the soreness just in normal body movements.  Again, mostly soreness and nothing I would be all that alarmed about.  Then yesterday it really kicked in and today is the same.

It feels muscular and it is sore to the touch, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a ligament or tendon or some other attachment-type thingie in there.  Clearly I'm a master at anatomy terminology.  It's in the front of my right hip towards the side of my body and I feel it mostly while lifting or moving my leg upwards.  Or forwards.  Or when I stretch it in any other direction.  Basically, it gets worse when I move it.  I can bear weight on it fine, and weight doesn't seem to make it any worse.  But running was brutal!

While I was reveling in the sweet delight of new running shoes, I was fighting a battle with myself to keep moving.  Every time I took a step I felt pain.  I tried to run through it, hoping it would subside as I ran, like my knee pain usually does.  But it didn't.  And the faster I ran the worse it got, so early on I realized I wasn't going to beat my previous time.  I (stupidly) attempted to run at a 9 and that triggered the worst of the pain.  I slowed down to a 5.3, and then a 5.0, and then a walk.  It did ease up for a bit and I was hopeful that I could finish the 3.1 miles at a slow pace (either 5.3 or 5.0 if need be).  I did keep that up for a while and tried some more sprinting again at a 7, but when I sped up and my legs moved faster & stretched further it was too painful.  I forced myself to finish out 2 miles but felt I had to stop there.  I did the 2 miles in 21:11 which isn't too shabby, all things considered.  I'm upset that I didn't make the 3.1 miles, and a little worried about what's going on with my hip. 

The Color Run is this Saturday!  I don't know what the best thing to do is...Do I rest completely until then & hope that all is resolved and risk not being in the best condition for the run?  Do I take tomorrow and/or Thursday off and run on Friday?  Do I try to run again tomorrow?  Right now I'm having a hard time when I start walking - I have no idea how I'm supposed to run...I think I definitely need to rest tomorrow.  It's more Thursday & Friday that are in question.  Oy.  Decisions...


  1. REST! Prob too late now, but hopefully you took time off. As they say, the hay is in the barn, no problem skipping a few days now. I would also suggest spending some time on Runner's World on their health and injuries section to help figure out what ails you. It will most likely be solved by slowing down a little, resting, icing and foam rolling (foam rollers are the shit, they have solved all my problems!)

    1. Hip flexor! Sister mentioned it, I looked it up and it's exactly what I was feeling. I did stay rested, avoided ice because I hate ice. I had PT on my knees for a while and they would ice me and I would be in agony. Anyway, it's much better now and it seems to be from the sprints. So I'm going to slow it down a bit until I build up to those higher speeds. I guess too much too fast.

      I looked up the foam rollers, and all I found were the rollers themselves...what does one do with these? LOL.
