Friday, June 28, 2013


I've been a horrible runner.  In that I haven't been running.  At all.  And I have a race coming up.  And a potential one very soon.  On the 4th to be exact. 

Wifey's schedule has been insane, between her long hours at the office and travelling all over the country.  It might sound like an excuse but there really is zero time for me to get a run in anywhere.  Unless I'm running at 5:00 in the morning.  Which CAN'T happen because I'm up until 11:00 fighting with R to get him to sleep, and I need to sleep.  There is no way around that at all. 

So I was mopey about it and squeezed runs in on the weekends whenever possible.  And then I just gave up entirely.  I don't even know when I ran last.  Then that led to me feeling bad about it, then bad about myself and let down by myself.  So I started comfort eating.  That combined with no exercise...I went right back to my pre-baby weight - which was the heaviest I have ever been (not pregnant).  Then I went 3 pounds higher than that and cried. 

I have to do SOMETHING!  Something so that I'm not just stagnant.  I don't like being still apparently.  It affects everything.  Seriously, everything, not just weight.  So I searched for something I could do at home, with the kids around me.  I couldn't take them to the basement with me anymore.  I can't guarantee that R will nap, and when he's down there he tries to jump on the treadmill which is just not a good idea.  The only time I will be able to run is if Laura is here & there is time.  Translation:  Weekends.  Sometimes.  So running cannot be my main source of exercise.

So I got the Insanity workout from my sister.  And it is exactly like it sounds...INSANE!!!

On the first day all you do is a fit test.  You are given one minute incriments to perform as many repetions of an exercise as you can, and there are 8 different exercises.  Again, this is just the fit test and not even one of their workouts.  I threw up during the suicide runs/lunges.  I have never thrown up from a workout before.  Ever.  And I was completely spent afterwords as well.  It took me close to an hour before I could actually function - every muscle in my body was shaky.  But after I recovered, I felt like a million bucks!

This is a 60 Day course, one day off a week and one "light" cardio day as well.  I should be done with it just before my Color Run in August.  Of course I am going to try to get runs in as well in-between, but I feel that this workout will help my running abilities, I'm just not sure in what capacity...if I will get faster or able to last longer.  We shall see!

I just completed my 3rd workout, I am already down 2 pounds, I am sore but feel pretty good now.  And I haven't thrown up since the first day, so that is good too, lol.  Now that I'm moving again, I'm hoping it's easier to jump back into running and not feel so defeated when I have to stop after only a mile.  Hopefully I won't have to stop at all!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great! The beautiful thing about running is it is very patient. It will happily wait until you have more time (if all goes well, R will eventually sleep! Although I am laughing a bit here thinking about him never figuring it out - late night calls from college roommates, flatmates, wives/partners "umm, yeah, R not sleeping again. Can you come do that thing to make him sleep?" lol). One day the kids will be older and you will think "hmm, plenty of time for a run today!" Until then, enjoy the ones you do get in and good luck with Insanity! I heard it is crazy hard!!
