Sunday, October 14, 2012

Training Day 3.2

I had a chance to run on Friday (just haven't been able to write about it yet!)  Again, nothing spectacular to report.  My knee seems to be holding up just fine, thought to feel it it is quite bumpy.  Since the pain is gone I'll assume that everything is fine :)  I ran out 1 mile after the training was done and felt pretty good.

Friday was the last of the 1:00 runs.  The next time I run it will be 1:30 runs and 2:00 walks.

There is a part of me that is wondering if this training plan is a bad idea...I am afraid that since I'm not running longer distances anymore I'll lose the ability to do so.  And if it's a week like this where I was only able to get the 3 runs in and not the 4, will I be ready be December 1?  But then I remember that I did it once, I can do it again and that this training plan got me there the first time.  Yet I do feel like I'm taking a bunch of steps backwards instead of moving forward.  I don't know.  I have a little internal battle going on here, lol.

Wifey is gone for the next few days running a conference for her job so I'm going to have to squeeze all of my runs in while the boy sleeps.  It's also why I didn't get running in this weekend like I was hoping to - she was AWOL with prep for said conference so I was flying solo pretty much all weekend as well.  It's getting tougher because lately the boy hasn't been napping for very long and he's been waking up before my run is even done, and that makes it even harder for me to get the shower in after, which I HAVE TO do since I'm a drippy gross mess.  I'm debating trying to get the runs in at night, but after putting both kids to bed I have zero energy or motivation to work out.  Grrr.  I'm not able to get the time in that I want to and it's frustrating me.

But tomorrow is a new day and we will try to run the second the boy takes his nap.  Fingers crossed that he stays asleep long enough!!

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