Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Training Day 2.2 - Knee Injury

There is nothing great or wonderful to report about today's workout.  It was a repeat of yesterday's and it will be the same again next time I run.  1:00 Running followed by 1:30 walking.  Runs remained at a 7 today, I'm hoping to push faster next run, but that's all going to depend on what happens with my knee...

I'm dealing with an injury, not related to running.  I was sitting at my desk this morning (before my run) and I managed to whack my knee into the side of the desk pretty badly.  Bruise, swelling, yada yada.  It felt better by the time the boy went down for a nap, so I figured I'd give running a try.  While I was running it wasn't too bad, but afterwords it was horrible!  I decided to put the leg up & ice my knee (something I NEVER do because I hate ice - it makes every bone in my body creakier and achier).  No better.  Now whenever I put weight on it it screams at me, and if you feel my knee cap the edge is bumpy and jagged right where it hurts.  I'm REALLY, really hoping I didn't chip my knee cap but only time will tell.  I'm hoping it's just a really bad bump and I'll bounce back in a day or so. 

Fingers crossed!!  I'll keep you posted!!

My accident prone boy must be used to the ice packs being for him...he decided to bite it while it was wrapped around my knee.  He inherited my grace & coordination.


  1. Aww, boo to weird knee injuries! Hope it feels better soon. I also run better with a goal, so this is a good plan!!
