Friday, May 19, 2017

You Should Expect This By Now

Yeah...soooo...once again, I signed up for a 5K months ago.  I had a training schedule in mind, and race day goals for a decent time, and was committed to putting the work in so I could be proud of myself for this one.  And once again, I haven't trained at all.  AT.  ALL.  The last time I ran was 3 miles in February.  So tomorrow morning I'm pulling the usual Bel running style and waking up and running a 5K with zero prep.  Oh, and did I mention I'm getting over a small chest cold?  So it's gonna feel really good too.

Clearly my goals aren't anything lofty.

1.  Finish without dying
2.  Run the entire 3.1 miles
3.  Finish in 38 minutes or less?

Not sure how attainable that last one is.  That 3 mile run in February I clocked in at just over 38 minutes.  Maybe the race day adrenaline will kick in and magic will happen??  I don't know.  But I'm tired of constantly doing this to myself.  I really want to put up decent numbers again but just don't have the time to train properly 😕

Anyway, wish me luck!!

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